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  • Writer's pictureErin Husbands

Superhero Checklist

All month long I'm focusing on ways to help you take the first step to helping me #SavetheWorld. Did you see the superhero checklist on our site? I mean it RIGHT OVER HERE! It’s broken up by categories to help you start (or continue) your superhero training. From recycling to composting to making better, eco friendly choices in your daily routine.

Let’s go over a few things you can do to easily make the switch –

  1. When I’m out on the road, I always bring a reusable bottle with my road trip beverage of choice. If by chance I stop to get something else to drink, I always opt for aluminum can or check if it comes in a glass bottle. If it only comes in a plastic bottle, I refuse the single-use plastics.

  2. Every season I clean out my closets and cabinets and donate items to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Give those items a new purpose for someone else.

  3. Switch to LED light bulbs. This one is key because they last longer and more energy efficient.

  4. Recycle in your home. Be sure you know what items your recycling center accepts and how they want the public to bring the items to the drop-off location (if you don’t have curb-side pickup). You’ll also notice how much plastic you use and perhaps that’ll help you make different selections at the store.

  5. Start recycling paper. This can be in your office, home office, magazines, mail-outs, newspapers, etc. Then see how you can opt out of mail-outs and paper items and go virtual instead. Read the newspaper online, along with magazines and coupons. If you still opt for getting newspapers, consider recycling them or using them to compost.

  6. Skip the straw when you’re eating out. Always have your reusable straw handy, along with your reusable cutlery.

  7. Start using reusable shopping bags. Some states have banned plastic shopping bags all together, so always keep a reusable bag on you when you’re out running errands. Even if the store offers paper bags, still use your reusable bags because it takes more resources to make those paper products … totally counterproductive.

  8. Switch from zip-lock bags to reusable food bags.

  9. Recycle your cardboard. This includes toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, cereal boxes, amazon boxes, etc.

  10. Try air drying your laundry instead of running the dryer.

Truly there are soooo many ways that you can kick start your superhero training? It shouldn’t feel daunting or tedious. I make it fun and try to find new ways to help the planet. Now it has become a game in our house to see who has the most "superhero actions" each week. Remember, it takes 21 days to break a bad habit so don’t delay – let’s #savetheworld TODAY!

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